Thursday 17 March 2016


A method that became popularised and standardised in the early Disney films, Rotoscoping involves filming the envisioned sequence you want to animate in real life, and then tracing  the frames made from the footage.

A big portion of my project is combining animation with live action, so I'd like to Rotoscope over the footage I take while keeping some of the original footage in the final project.

Initial Music Video influences

At the beginning of this project, I began looking at Music Videos that focused on travelogues, similar to Carly Rae Jepsen's "Run Away With Me". I wanted my project to have a sense of fun for wherever I was going and this particular music video takes the travelogue and combines it with performance for the effect that I want in my final project. My initial hope is to evolve this form of music video using forms of animation.

This video contains a travelogue in a more dramatic fashion. Instead of a lot of combined clips to show a more fun travel experience, this video showcases a single journey from the singer's house in Colorado to his first gig outside America in Amsterdam. This method follows the more relaxed nature of this song as it features no quick edits or changes like the Carly Rae Jepsen video does.